Hydrocolloid: Low Methoxyl Amidated (LMA) Pectin - Cape Crystal Brands
Low Methoxyl Amidated (LMA) Pectin

Hydrocolloid: Low Methoxyl Amidated (LMA) Pectin


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Low Methoxyl Amidated (LMA) Pectin: The Modified Gelling Marvel

Low Methoxyl Amidated (LMA) Pectin, a derivative of LM Pectin, undergoes an additional amidation process, enhancing its gelling properties. What sets this hydrocolloid apart, and how has it expanded its footprint in the food industry?

Historical Context

The development of LMA Pectin was driven by the need for a pectin variant with improved gelling properties, especially in low sugar and low pH environments. Its introduction provided food technologists with a broader spectrum of formulation possibilitiesĀ¹.

The Molecular Science of LMA Pectin

LMA Pectin is characterized by its amidated carboxyl groups, resulting from the conversion of a portion of the carboxyl groups to carboxamide groups. This modification enhances its calcium sensitivity and gelling strengthĀ².

Production and Refinement

LMA Pectin is produced by treating LM Pectin with ammonia, leading to the amidation of some of its carboxyl groups. This process fine-tunes its gelling properties, making it suitable for a wider range of applicationsĀ³.

A Multifaceted Ingredient

LMA Pectin's applications are vast:

  • Food Industry: Ideal for reduced-sugar and sugar-free products, dairy desserts, and fruit preparationsā“.
  • Pharmaceuticals: Utilized for its gel-forming properties in specific drug formulationsāµ.
  • Cosmetics: Incorporated for its stabilizing and textural propertiesā¶.

LMA Pectin in Culinary Creations

LMA Pectin's gelling properties are influenced by calcium and pH:

  • Dairy Desserts:
    • Proportion: 0.2% to 0.8% of the total weight.
    • Purpose: Provides a smooth texture and stability.


Low Methoxyl Amidated (LMA) Pectin, with its enhanced gelling capabilities, is a testament to the advancements in food science and technology. Its adaptability across various formulations underscores its significance in the food industry.

See: Hydrocolloid Glossary
For further reading:Ā Low-methoxyl-lm-pectin


Ā¹ Axelos, M.A.V., & Thibault, J.F. "The chemistry of low-methoxyl pectin gelation." Carbohydrate Polymers, 1991.
Ā² Renard, C.M.G.C., et al. "Amidated pectins: properties, functions, and applications." Food Hydrocolloids, 2006.
Ā³ Voragen, A.G.J., et al. "Pectins and Pectinases." Elsevier, 1996.
ā“ Rolin, C. "Commercial Pectin Preparations." Pectins and Pectinases, 1996.
āµ Sriamornsak, P. "Chemistry of pectin and its pharmaceutical uses: A review." Silpakorn University International Journal, 2003.
ā¶ Barel, A.O., et al. "Handbook of Cosmetic Science and Technology." CRC Press, 2009.

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