Carrageenan Marbling Size for Fabrics and Paper - Cape Crystal Brands
Carrageenan Marbling Size for Fabrics and Paper - Cape Crystal Brands
Cape Crystal Brands - Carrageenan Marbling Size - Useful for paper & fabric marbeling
Carrageenan Marbling Size for Fabrics and Paper - Cape Crystal Brands
Carrageenan Marbling Size for Fabrics and Paper - Cape Crystal Brands
Carrageenan Marbling Size for Fabrics and Paper - Cape Crystal Brands
Carrageenan Marbling Size for Fabrics and Paper - Cape Crystal Brands

Carrageenan Marbling Size

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Size: 2 oz
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Product Information

Carrageenan Marbling Size for Fabrics and Paper | Cape Crystal Brands is a classic, premium gelling agent which provides the best liquid viscosity for both paper and fabric marbling, known as marbling size. Paints are floated on top of this gelatinous solution (size) which due to its thickness allows the colors to remain on the surface. The marbler then creates patterns in the paint by raking through it with various combs or sticks. Finally, a pretreated piece of cloth or paper (treated with alum on its surface to allow paints to adhere) is lowered onto the surface, removed, rinsed, and set aside to dry.

Size Recipe Fabric Marbling:

Carrageenan Marbling Size for Fabrics and Paper  | Cape Crystal Brands is used for many types of fabric or marbling. For best results, use a fabric with a smooth texture and fine weave. 12 to 24 hours before marbling, prepare the carrageenan size. Slowly sprinkle one teaspoon of Calgon and two teaspoons of carrageenan into a quart of water in a running blender. Mix as many batches as you will need allowing it to rest in the refrigerator overnight so that all the air bubbles can rise through the liquid and dissipate.

Size Recipe for Paper Marbling:

Using Carrageenan Marbling Size for Fabrics and Paper  | Cape Crystal Brands, mix 1 tablespoon to 3 cups of warm water and mix in a blender for one minute. Pour the mix into a one-gallon (such as an empty milk jug) or more containers. Then repeat the procedure by adding a second tablespoon of Carrageenan Marbling Size for Fabrics and Paper  | Cape Crystal Brands into another 3 cups of warm water. Blend again and pour into the same container. Now add additional warm water to make one gallon and stir well. Let this mixture stand overnight in the refrigerator, or for at least 4 hours.  This is to let the bubbles dissipate, as when it is removed from the blender, it is extremely foamy and must sit undisturbed until it becomes a clear liquid.

The Carrageenan Marbling Size for Fabrics and Paper  | Cape Crystal Brands size mixtures will last about 10 days in the refrigerator, but only 1 or 2 days at room temperature. That is because this is a food product that will spoil over time when left out at room temperature

Since Carrageenan Marbling Size for Fabrics and Paper  | Cape Crystal Brands is a food product it can be safely disposed of down any drain without harm. 

The 8-ounce package of Carrageenan Marbling Size for Fabrics and Paper  | Cape Crystal Brands contains enough powder to produce over 300 papers of the 9½" x 12½" size, and the 14-ounce package will make over 500 sheets.

Available in size 2-oz / 8-oz / 14-oz

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