Discover the enchanting realm of Kohakutou, a traditional Japanese candy renowned as "amber sugar" for its crystal-like appearance. Crafted with agar-agar, a seaweed-derived gelatin, these edible jewels possess a unique dichotomy of textures: a crunchy crystallized exterior and a soft jelly interior. Beyond their aesthetic allure, the making of these candies is a blend of culinary art and patience, standing as a testament to nature’s wonder and Japanese craftsmanship.
Discover the enchanting realm of Kohakutou, a traditional Japanese candy renowned as "amber sugar" for its crystal-like appearance. Crafted with agar-agar, a seaweed-derived gelatin, these edible jewels possess a unique dichotomy of textures: a crunchy crystallized exterior and a soft jelly interior. Beyond their aesthetic allure, the making of these candies is a blend of culinary art and patience, standing as a testament to nature’s wonder and Japanese craftsmanship.
STEP 1: Heat agar agar in water until the agar agar is completely melted.
STEP 2: Once melted, sieve the mixture over another pot. Then add 12 1/2 oz. of granulated sugar and melt it until the mixture is frothy and stringy.
STEP 3: Now add 1 tbs. of your favorite juice or beverage in a clean and empty container. You may add a bit of food coloring at this step to provide a more vibrant color to the candy.
STEP 4: Fill the rest of your container with the agar- agar/sugar mixture. As long as it’s drinkable, and you like it, pretty much any kind of liquid will do.
STEP 5: Chill the containers in the fridge until they’ve hardened, then remove them from their molds and cut the block into smaller pieces however you like.
STEP 6: To allow the exterior to crystalize, let the pieces sit in an undisturbed area for 3 to 5 days at room temperature.